Lecture: How do I start traveling on my own?


Want to travel on your own, but don’t know where to start? Wondering how to start traveling? By attending this lecture you will learn.

There are two points to this question: psychological and practical. There are clearly more sites covering the practical point, there is nothing complicated here, you just have to take and do everything step by step, as the experts advise. But there is always a logical question, if everything is so simple, why do you always dream of traveling more than those who still dare?

I want to travel a lot – where to start? Psychology

1 – Desire.
Just like that, you critically need desire. “Yeah, yeah, that makes sense,” you might say. But wait. Desire comes in many forms. You can lie on the couch, dream about how nice it would be right now on the beach under the palm trees, present your “I want to travel” to the world and do nothing. But understand, to begin to travel not on tour-trip-twice-a-year-for-a-week-to-Thailand, you need to radically change your life. And in order to make that change, you need a very strong desire. So that you understand, then without traveling – well, nothing at all. That’s it! I’ve got it!

2 – Focus.
To start your own journey around the world, you need to be “sick” with travel, and your life revolved around this desire. I mean it. Anything that’s important to you happens to you. Critically important. So, can you stop going to coffee shops or wherever you go so often? Yes, some things you have to give up, some things you have to save money on, and it’s worth it!

Even a little advice, it is better to save an enriched amount for travel immediately after receiving a salary. This is an important point, it will be much more comfortable. Trust me, it’s easier to budget for a smaller amount in advance than to try to pull out extra money in the middle of the month.

3 – Moral Preparation.
A lot of things will happen to you on long trips that can’t be predicted, and you won’t be prepared for them. But that doesn’t mean that if you’ve never traveled around the world or dedicated your life to wandering, traveling isn’t for you.

4 – Determining Your Destination
The importance of this stage cannot be overstated. Here we slowly move from theory to practice. It is not in vain they say: he who is informed is armed. You need information to decide where to go, how to get there, where to live, what to eat, how to protect yourself, where to go in case of emergency, and many other important issues.